Complement C4 Serum Low

C4-Depleted Serum

A308 1 ml/vial
EUR 173

Complement Serum Laboratories manufactures the complement c4 serum low reagents distributed by Genprice. The Complement C4 Serum Low reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact Complement Serum. Other Complement products are available in stock. Specificity: Complement Category: C4 Group: Serum Low

Fetal Bovine Serum, Triple Low

500ml Ask for price

VitroPlus III, low serum, complete

INQUIRE Ask for price

Human Serum Albumin Low B12 / Low Folate Protein

1 kg
EUR 9313.2

Albumin, Bovine Serum, Low Endotoxin, pH5.2

EUR 54.6

Albumin, Bovine Serum, Low Endotoxin, pH5.2

EUR 399

Stem Cell Complete Low Serum Media

EUR 324

Mouse Endothelial Growth Medium (Low serum)

EUR 123.75

Serum Low information

Guinea Pig Complement Serum

32R-CP006 3 ml
EUR 98
Description: Purified Guinea Pig Complement isolated from the blood of normal Hartley guinea pigs

Guinea Pig Complement Serum

32R-CP007 25 ml
EUR 807.6
Description: Purified Guinea Pig Complement adsorbed with sheep red blood cells

Guinea Pig Complement Serum

MBS537182-3x1mL 3x1mL
EUR 270

Guinea Pig Complement Serum

MBS537979-25x1mL 25x1mL
EUR 3275

Guinea Pig Complement Serum

MBS537979-5x1mL 5x1mL
EUR 775

Pooled Human Complement Serum

ICSER100ML each
EUR 2338
Description: Pooled Human Complement Serum

Pooled Human Complement Serum

ICSER10ML each
EUR 324
Description: Pooled Human Complement Serum

Pooled Human Complement Serum

ICSER25ML each
EUR 748
Description: Pooled Human Complement Serum

Pooled Human Complement Serum

ICSER50ML each
EUR 1327
Description: Pooled Human Complement Serum

Pooled Human Complement Serum

MBS136393-100mL 100mL
EUR 3440

Pooled Human Complement Serum

MBS136393-10mL 10mL
EUR 555

Pooled Human Complement Serum

MBS136393-1mL 1mL
EUR 170

Pooled Human Complement Serum

MBS136393-25mL 25mL
EUR 1160

Pooled Human Complement Serum

MBS136393-50mL 50mL
EUR 2000


GWB-Q00015 2 ml Ask for price

Human Complement serum (pooled sera)

COMPH-10 10 ml
EUR 489.6

Human Complement serum (pooled sera)

COMPH-25 25 ml
EUR 781.2